GAAR is pleased to recognize REALTOR® Lovie McGee as a Good Neighbor recipient for 2019. Good Neighbors are REALTORS® and Affiliates that dedicate themselves to…
GAAR & CARNM are working with other business organizations to stop the…
This week, you were alerted to a technical issue regarding the absence or quality of listing photos on many of our 50 Data Companies. Trestle,…
Designations and Certifications are specialized credentials for REALTORS® to demonstrate their expertise for a specific niche. Both can build your knowledge base and set you apart…
Last year, GAAR Members purchased the property north of the REALTOR® building at 1645 University Blvd NE. Over the past few months, significant work has been done…
Jeff Bratton, Southwest MLS Manager provides a video update for June 2020. Tune in for this month's news.
Tee up at the 11th GAAR Charity Golf Tournament benefiting the REALTOR® Fund! Due to COVID-19, the annual tourney has been rescheduled for Friday, September 4th. Player Registration is on a first-come…
Flexmls is a launching several features for the month of June. Please take a moment to learn about the new Privacy Options for your listing photos and…